Three Republicans! Working with Trump! These campaign mailings went to Republicans in the 2017 campaign for the LACCD --
My opponent, Buelna, the 'on-line professor' of Chicano Studies, attended campaign events as a 'Democrat,' then sent out mailings identifying himself as an ally of that criminal Donald Trump.

The Administration and Faculty spent one million dollars to on the campaign to elect him. One million dollars.
Why? One million dollars to put a part-time professor of Chicano Studies into $24,000-a-year position as a part-time Trustee? Why?
Why one million dollars?
The Board of Trustees votes on their contracts of the Faculty, Administration, and Staff -- salaries, benefits, all of it. Invest in your local politico.
They want higher salaries, more benefits, fewer classes, no oversight of academic rigor, no expectations of innovation -- the tenured, retired-in-place faculty want their contracts rubber-stamped without questions.
And they want no changes in the salaries and benefits of the part-time adjuncts who actually teach more than 70% of the classes. The State of California funds the colleges based on enrollment, the part-timers work the courses for wages and no health care or retirement, and the faculty and administration get the high pay, full benefits, generous retirements. They even get an $1,800 medical debit card for 'other medical expenses.' Such as their dog or cat or parakeet.
Buelna will vote as they tell him -- or he's a part-time 'online professor' again.
You have a choice:
Support an incumbent who uses his position to accumulate funding to advance his political career.
Support me, Robert Payne, and vote for an independent voice not corrupted by the faculty political regime.
I have world experience. I know what confronts students. I will not use the position to get a ticket to Sacramento. I will work only for the students, the innovative faculty, and staff, the District, and the community.